A guide to better driving posture

A guide to better driving posture

Simple tips for better driving posture The average person spends a significant amount of time driving.  People often report pain whilst driving or after long periods at the wheel, particularly in the lower back. This can be due to: Poor posture Car vibrations//poor...
EHP Physio Guide to a better sleep

EHP Physio Guide to a better sleep

Your guide to a better sleep One of the most important elements in terms of our overall well-being is getting a good night sleep. There can be many challenges to achieving this goal however stretching and self-mobilisation at the end of each day will help ensure that...
Avoiding device related neck pain

Avoiding device related neck pain

In the modern world we find ourselves spending more and more time looking at screens. This is particularly true now that those screens are becoming increasingly portable, as can be seen with tablets and phones. The average person’s head weighs between about 4 and 6...
Workstation setup and ergonomics

Workstation setup and ergonomics

Study, work, gaming and social networking give us plenty of reasons to spend more and more time at our computers, on our phones and other devices. Bad habits when we use these devices increase the risk of fatigue and temporary or permanent physical injury. Therefore...
Sleeping postures

Sleeping postures

Getting a good night’s sleep is absolutely vital for the human body.  Getting a good night’s sleep; Improves concentration Helps to boost your immune system Improves digestive function Improves memory and ability to retain new information Improves physical performance...